So today will be a Deck Profile, starting with quite possibly the most fast-paced variant of Disaster Dragon. NO, not Twilight Dragons. We'll save that for a later date.
No, the deck I'm talking about is...
Egg Turbo (aka. The Egg)
Egg Turbo is fairly simple in design. It's a Disaster Deck focused on the rightly deemed "Blue-Eyes Engine" and the control-oriented Light & Disaster Deck.To begin, let's talk a little bit about this "Blue-Eyes Engine". For those that don't know what it does, I'll quickly run down the three cards that make up this engine.
Blue-Eyes White Dragon
LIGHT / Level 8 / 3000 / 2500
[ Dragon ]
The White Stone of Legend
LIGHT / Level 1 / 300 / 200
[ Dragon / Tuner ]
When this card is sent to the Graveyard: Add 1 "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" from your Deck to your hand.
So the first basic part of this engine is obvious: Get Blue-Eyes White Dragon to the hand. The White Stone of Legend, or "The Egg", the namesake to our deck, manages this easily by being able to add it from the deck to the hand whenever it's sent to the Graveyard; whether it be by battle, card effect (like Dragon Ravine or Future Fusion for example), or, as the only Tuner monster in the Deck, as Synchro Material. Even though the egg can add BEWD to the hand so easily, that isn't the whole engine. There's one more crucial piece of the puzzle:
Discard 1 Level 8 monster; draw 2 cards.
This is what makes it an engine. As soon as you get BEWD to the hand, you can immediately ditch it to Draw 2 more cards! Usually, if you do this, it will end up as a +1, and more importantly, it thins out the deck to make for better topdecks. I'm sure now, though, that you also recall that there is a spell similar to Trade-In, that can use the Egg as the discard cost, the card specified being Cards of Consonance.
Cards of Consonance is not used in this deck for several reasons, but I'll just get into the main two. First off, The White Stone of Legend is your only target to use as cost for CoC. In The Egg variant of Disaster Dragon, all you run is 2-3 White Stones, whereas you should be running, at a minimum, 5 Level 8 monsters to be used towards Trade-In. Therefore, as you can see, there's more of a chance of having the card you need to discard in hand to be used for Trade-In than for CoC. More importantly, and as my second point, unlike BEWD, the Egg is not searchable in this deck. While BEWD can be added by the Egg, the Egg can't be added by anything, therefore, just like the point about not having many of them, you'll rarely have it in your hand, meaning CoC is more than likely just going to sit dead in your hand for ages and ages.
So now that we've looked at the engine, let's just quickly put it in perspective of the deck. You should be running 3 BEWD, as they'll be the main discard outlet for Trade-In, and Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon's main target for revival. As for the Egg, it's not necessary to run a full 3, but if you have space, it's perfectly fine to do so. For Trade-In, it follows almost the same line as the Egg; if there's space, put it in, though it does deserve the spot over the Egg, as you'll more than likely be running around 6 Level 8 monsters, so in my humble opinion, I would think of it first when there's an empty spot and run it @3.
Now you may be asking yourself what other Level 8 monsters you should be running alongside the Blue-Eyes Engine. There's one obvious choice, of course, and I hinted at it much earlier in this post, but there are also two techs that I'd like to also note along with an important staple to bring it all together. But first, with the best option:
Light and Darkness Dragon
LIGHT / Level 8 / 2800 / 2400
[ Dragon / Effect ]
THis card cannot be Special Summoned. While this card is face-up on the field, its Attribute is also treated as DARK. when a Spell or Trap Card is activated, or the effect of an Effect Monster is activated: That activation is negated and this card loses 500 ATK and DEF. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard: Target 1 monster in your Graveyard; destroy every card you control and Special Summon that monster.
Oh Light and Darkness Dragon, Chazz Princeton would be so proud. This 2800 ATK beatstick is quite possibly one of the coolest card negators around. Although it may negate virtually everything, stopping you from making certain moves, and certain cards can take out its effect before it even gets a chance (Lightsworns, cards that reveal themselves in their hand as a cost, and self reviving cards in the Graveyard), it's usually a very sound card, allowing you to force the Opponent to throw cards at it until they can get rid of it only to see it bring out another beastly monster from your Graveyard to take its place; normally Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon. Plus, it's easy for you to play around as well. If you have Future Fusion or Dragon Ravine already active on your side of the field when this card shows up, have no fear! LaDD doesn't negate card effects, only activations! Since FuFu or Ravine are already activated, they can still do whatever it is you want them to. But be forewarned, if LaDD gets destroyed, so do they, so if you do find yourself in a situation such as that, consider your ways around it, namely, getting rid of LaDD in a fashion that won't have it destroyed (i.e. banish it or tribute it). In The Egg variant, it's best to run this card at 2-3, depending on your preference and space.
Of course, you could also try something completely different! Here are a few techs you can use instead of Light and Darkness Dragon:
Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon
LIGHT / Level 8 / 3000 / 2500
[ Dragon / Effect ]
You can Special Summon this card from your hand by Tributing 2 monsters with 2000 or more ATK. During either player's Battle Step, when this card battles an Opponent's monster: You can target the monster this card is battling; banish both it and this card, then any monster banished by this effect returns to the field at the end of the Battle Phase. If the monster banished by this effect was an Xyz Monster, this card gains 500 ATK for each Xyz Material the Xyz monster had when it was banished.
What, you thought I was going to discuss Level 8 Dragons without discussing the most badass piece of art Konami may have ever made? Hell no! GEPD is, by definition, the sh*t. It's best use should be obvious, going up against Xyz monsters to eliminate their materials and give itself a little ATK boost, or removing an obstacle for the rest of your monsters to attack directly. At its worse, it's a Blue-Eyes White Dragon that isn't searchable by the Egg, at its best, it's a way to clear the field and finish your Opponent whether they've tried to defend themselves or not. Also, LOOK AT THAT DAMN CARD ART.
Before I move onto the next card, I would like to apologize to my good friend evilfusion if my praise of this card was not endearing enough to your liking. Thank you for your time.
White Night Dragon
WATER / Level 8 / 3000 / 2500
[ Dragon / Effect ]
During either player's turn, when a Spell/Trap Card that targets this card is activated: Negate the activation and destroy it. When a face-up monster you control is targeted for an attack: You can send 1 Spell/Trap Card you control to the Graveyard; change this target to this card.
Okay, hopefully, if evilfusion was reading this, let's pray that he stopped before this, because this next sentence will probably make him take my number from me. (Giga-Brilliant is MINE!) White Night Dragon in secret rare form is the most badass looking dragon card in the game. Look at that sh*t. It was MADE for secret rarity. Anyway, level 8 for Trade-In as well as protection for weaker monsters and an immunity to any Spell or Trap card that targets it. Unfortunately this excludes Inzektor Hornet, but then again, hardly any cards do.
So, basically, you run this the same way you run normal Disaster. We have here the Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon and Red-Eyes Wyvern engine. You can run that any way you'd like as long as the total of those two is 5-6. Totem Dragon is the real difference here. In this deck, you're going to want to run as many Totem Dragons as you run Level 8 monsters not named Light and Darkness Dragon, which should usually be 2-3. I'm kidding, run 3. You'll need it to make sure that you have fodder for REDMD.
There's one last important point to remember with this deck. You're going to need to use up a few spaces spent specifically for sending cards from your hand and/or deck to the Graveyard in order to send the Egg and Totem Dragon to the Graveyard in order for everything to work right. There are really only two ways you're going to do this:
Pretty simple really, I tend to run 2 Dragon Ravine and the 1 allotted Future Fusion, which tend to get the job done, but it's important for any player to test it out and find their perfect balance.
Well, that's it for this deck profile, I'll leave you off here with my own personal build.
Just a quick list here:
1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
3 Light and Darkness Dragon
3 Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
2 Red-Eyes Wyvern
2 The White Stone of Legend
3 Totem Dragon
1 Book of Moon
1 Dark Hole
2 Dragon Ravine
1 Future Fusion
1 Heavy Storm
1 Monster Reborn
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Terraforming
3 Trade-In
1 Call of the Haunted
3 Fiendish Chain
1 Solemn Judgment
2 Solemn Warning
2 Torrential Tribute
That's all then folks, until next time, see ya!
If you have any comments or questions, contact me by commenting below or e-mail me at